Connecting citizens in need of help with citizens nearby who can help.
Secure, rewarding and without tracking your personal data.
Up until now the owner has been
bootstrapping from operating revenues.
To scale-up an investment is needed.
How it works
Volenteers are called Heroes and people in need are called Loopers.
A Looper sends a request to TheHeroLoop
We call them Loopers, because they keep the loop of needs going.
Heroes in the area are notified, and one of them accepts the task.
They still need to be confirmed by the Looper, to get mutual acceptance.
A Hero is on
the way to help!
Loopers and Heroes can chat with each other to communicate the task completion details.
As a Hero, you can
Help refugees
Refugees can reach out and find someone nearby (within 20 km radius) to help them. Market our web app in the area - fex in a refugee camp, and reach each other in categories. Find and offer help with housing, transport, food and medicine, or any need.
Connect with locals
People can get to know more people in their neighbourhood by helping them, and are also matched by AI with others that share the same interests. We provided an encrypted way for you to remain anonymous so you can own your personal data.
Get your daily walk
Finding a reason to get your body moving can sometimes be hard. Why not help someone in need to get you moving. Repeat the good deed, get a good rating, and move on up on TheHeroLoop leaderboard.
Help caretakers
The caretaker (a Looper) can reach out to TheHeroLoop via the app and ask a Hero for help. It can be with grocery shopping, transportation, going to the pharmacy or anything you can think of. In a 20 km radius from where you are, in real time.
Get a chance to do what you love
Anna is a student at the university, she loves gardening but rarely gets a chance to do it since she has no garden of her own. Maybe there’s a Looper out there who needs help with gardening their yard?
Help during natural disasters
If there is heavy rainfall causing flooding in your area there is a lot of chaos and destruction and not enough helping hands. You can reach out and help someone to deal with cleaning up by taking a look on The Map. Find a Looper.
As a Looper, you can
Get help with deliveries
Leyah is going to the store to buy groceries. She decides to check TheHeroLoop web app map to see if any Looper in the vicinity might need help getting something from the store since she’s already there. She helps her neighbour Lea and delivers at her door.
Travel together or request a ride
Lucy needs to go up to the capital city from the southern part of the country. She doesn’t have a driver’s license and she doesn’t want to take the train due to Corona. She decides to ask if anyone is travelling in that direction anytime soon.
Donate for reuse and have it picked up
Muzaffar has bought a new couch, but in order for it to fit in, he first needs to get rid of the old one. He tried selling it, but no one wants to buy it. Instead, he turns to TheHeroLoop web app to ask for someone nearby to pick it up for free.
You can help tackle our worlds biggest challenges
Within the next 10 years our world must see the most profound transformation ever known – the countdown is happening. TheHeroLoop has provided a way for everyone, everywhere to everyday make a sustainable difference doing good deeds citizen to citizen in your community. You can help each other with anything.
We know there are billions out there in need of help, and we want to reward everyone who helps others with HeroPoints – the better your rating, the more HeroPoints you gain.
An algorithm calculates your rating which not only ranks you on a leaderboard, but also generates HeroPoints to your encrypted Hiro Wallet. This wallet enables your anonymous decentralised login, and you collect your HeroPoints here.
We are currently working on building a platform to support our cause, so that you can exchange the HeroPoints to coupons through our platform, and use it at your local farm. Pay it back and get rewarded. Be a Hero. Make a Hero. Keep the loop going.
Sign up
Our mission
Reduce loneliness
Our mission is to create a social platform that actually brings people together. We want to start this movement from the bottom, up.
Provide security
We decentralise privacy data and remove toxic use, so we can provide a safe and private platform for all, maintaining high GDPR protocols.
Partners and Sponsers
TheDigitalVolunteer was the original name of TheHeroLoop idea which our founder started at Hack For Sweden 2020. Our founder competed with the idea in one more hackathon to verify her added AI and Blockchain ideas, which the jury liked and she won first prize at Covidathon 2020.

Covidathon 2020
1187 participants
99 countries
The idea was further developed and rebranded to TheHeroLoop with a new squad for IBMs Call for Code 2020 hack challenge. TheHeroLoop won region Europe with a $10k prize which was distributed evenly to the worldwide team members. The IBM Call for Code team in Europe offered startup help and support and a partnership was formed.

IBM Call for Code 2020
400,000 participants
168 countries
TheHeroLoop idea was further refined after Design Thinking Workshops within the growing app and team, and our founder wanted to verify the new ideas at one more hackathon. The jury loved it and TheHeroLoop won first place for the third time at the Nordic Smart City Hack.